
作者:   更新时间:2020-12-30

魏 芸 教授  博士生导师

北京市科技新星、教育部新世纪优秀人才获得者。1998年于中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所获理学博士学位,2005年晋升教授,2008年被聘为博士生导师,20091-4月在英国Brunel University访问学者。研究方向为:外来入侵植物入侵机制及资源化、分离介质研制、食品安全分析与检测。已在国内外学术刊物上发表论文40余篇,被SCI收录35篇,他引337次;作为第一发明人,获国家发明专利授权12项。先后承担国家公益性行业专项、国家自然科学基金、北京市优秀人才培养专项基金、北京市自然科学基金、中石化等项目。多次参加国际会议,并大会报告,做分会主席,是全国标准样品技术委员会天然产物标准样品工作组专家成员。

    Professor Wei Yun was awarded a PhD degree in Analytical Chemistry in 1998 from Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She was promoted to full Professor in BUCT in January 2005 and PhD supervisor status in 2008. She was an academic visitor for three months in Brunel University, UK (in 2009). Her research is focused on separation materials, plant chemistry and ****ytical chemistry. In recent years, as the first author or corresponding author, she has published more than 40 research papers in academic journals such as J. Mater. Chem., J. Agri. Food Chem., J. Chromatogr. A, Separ.Purific. Tech., J. Chromatogr. B, and Chromatographia, of which 35 have been indexed in SCI, and 12 patents have been granted. In 1999 she was selected to join the Beijing Nova program. In 2011 she was selected to participate in the ‘New Century Outstanding Talent’ scheme of the Ministry of Education. She is principal investigator on five projects funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Natural Science Fundation, the Beijing Natural Science Fundation and the SINOPEC Fund.



制备钙离子交联的海藻酸钠水凝胶球及微波法合成氮掺杂的碳量子点,使用浸泡法得到量子点掺杂的海藻酸钠复合水凝胶球。该复合水凝胶球不但具备海藻酸钠的羟基和羧基,还引入了碳量子点表面丰富的氨基,通过一系列的表征对于所合成材料的结构和组成进行了研究,结果表明,掺杂碳量子点的复合水凝胶球成功的引入氨基,对于稀土离子有较高的吸附能力(Gd3+吸附量为201 mg/g)相比于海藻酸钠水凝胶球有了明显的提升(Gd3+吸附量为120 mg/g),增强了复合水凝胶球在二价过渡金属离子中对稀土元素的选择性。相关工作见J. Colloid Interface Sci.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2019.12.030.IF=6.361