作者: 更新时间:2015-05-18
报告人: Assoc. Prof. Jianfang Wang
(CUHK,香港中文大学物理系) (Nanoscale 副主编)
时间: 2015-05-22 (周五)下午 15:00-16:00
In this presentation, the syntheses of colloidal gold nanocrystals and their pla**onic properties and applications would be described. Gold nanospheres, nanorods and nanobipyramids with narrow size distributions were obtained by seed-mediated growth method. In addition, fine size tuning was achieved through mild oxidation and anisotropic overgrowth, which allows for precise control of the pla**on resonance energies, affording attractive pla**onic features, including their tunable pla**on wavelengths over a wide spectral range, extremely large absorption/scattering cross-sections, and large enhancements of local electric fields and densities of photonic states. Finally, pla**onic applications of the as-prepared gold nanocrystals were described. Examples will include active pla**on switching, pla**onic catalysis, pla**onic sensing, time-temperature indicators and local photothermal heating.
Academic qualification
08/1996-01/2002, PhD, Physical Chemistry, Harvard University
08/1993-07/1996, MS, Inorganic Chemistry, Peking University
08/1988-07/1993, BS, Inorganic Chemistry and Computer Software Design, USTC
Academic positions
08/2011-present, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, CUHK
08/2005-07/2011, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, CUHK
02/2002-07/2005, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Chemistry, UCSB
Honors:CUHK Young Researcher Award 2012-2013;CUHK Research Excellence Award 2008-2009;
Publication records
Web of Science: publications, 129;
citations, 12290; h-index, 48